
Richmond: a City on the Move – Mayor Malcolm Brodie’s 2019 Annual Address

Presented on February 28, 2019 Following the civic election last October 20, our new City Council commenced a four-year term.  We thanked long-serving Councillors, Derek Dang and Ken Johnston, for their honourable and dedicated service as we welcomed new Councillors, Kelly Greene and Michael Wolfe.  All Councillors are committed to making Richmond the best community

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Richmond submits final proposal for Smart Cities Challenge

06 March 2019 The City of Richmond has submitted a ground-breaking and transformative final proposal for the Smart Cities Challenge.  The proposal includes initiatives that would minimize community impacts from major disasters, while also enhancing our quality of life in day-to-day activities. “Our Smart Cities Challenge proposal would make our community more resilient and improve

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Richmond Economic Snapshot for Q3 2018

For a quick snapshot of how the economy is performing in Richmond, and in the surrounding Metro Vancouver region, the City of Richmond’s Quarterly Economic Report has got you covered. In this report you’ll find up-to-date statistics and analysis on key economic indicators including housing and development, tourism and trade, business growth, commercial space and

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Small Business Pop-Up @ City Hall on Jan. 22

Join us on Tuesday, January 22, 2019 for a Small Business Pop-Up, hosted in partnership with Small Business BC. Learn about the key steps to start-up or grow a business, as well as the support services available to you every step of the way. Free one-on-one business advisory sessions are also available on a first-come,

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Richmond moves forward on Smart Cities vision

A safer community, improving service delivery for all citizens and bridging language barriers are key outcomes of the City of Richmond’s Smart Cities Challenge proposal. Richmond and other finalists in the Government of Canada’s nation-wide competition met with the Smart Cities Challenge Jury for the first time this week at the Future Cities Canada Summit.

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Richmond businesses transforming in response to exponential growth of global e-commerce

The exponential growth of e-commerce is transforming business models, urbanizing global supply chains, and redefining how goods are ordered, produced and delivered, according to a panel of business leaders, speaking at the City of Richmond’s 7th annual business and partner appreciation event. “It is estimated that, by the year 2020, global e-commerce spending will total

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Call for 2019 Economic Advisory Committee applicants!

Serving on a City of Richmond advisory committees is one way residents can participate in local government. City Council is now encouraging residents to apply for over 100 volunteer positions on several advisory bodies, all of which address specific civic issues, before the Friday, September 28, 2018 deadline. “Richmond residents can make a positive impact

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Richmond Economic Snapshot for Q2 2018

For a quick snapshot of how the economy is performing in Richmond, and in the surrounding Metro Vancouver region, the City of Richmond’s Quarterly Economic Report has got you covered. In this report you’ll find up-to-date statistics and analysis on key economic indicators including housing and development, tourism and trade, business growth, commercial space and

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City supports next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs

6 December 2017 For the fourth year in a row, the City of Richmond supported the Young Entrepreneurship Leadership Launchpad (YELL Canada) program by organizing a business tour for high school students enrolled in the program. YELL Canada is a registered Canadian charity that was founded by three entrepreneurs including Richmond businessperson and past Economic

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New growth supports expansion of key Richmond services

01 February 2018 Richmond is continuing to enjoy robust, sustained growth with more than $2.4 billion in new development during the current Council term, said Mayor Malcolm Brodie in his Annual Address Thursday. The new growth is supporting the achievement of key City objectives, including providing funding of a new Capstan Station on the Canada

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City of Richmond selected as finalist in Smart Cities Challenge

01 June 2018 The City of Richmond has been named as a finalist in the Smart Cities Challenge. Twenty finalists were announced on Friday by federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities Amarjeet Sohi. “This is a tremendous honour and we are very excited about the next phase of the competition,” said Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie.

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Business Services

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