Government programs and incentives help agrifoods companies with production, marketing, exporting, innovation and financing. Here are some of the most popular programs. Contact us for a direct referral to any of the programs.
Agritech Concierge program provides contacts with a team of skilled professionals to support agritech businesses grow, diversify, access new markets and attract investment opportunities.
AgriService BC is your one-stop shop to search for funding, tools and services to help your agrifoods business succeed in B.C.
Advance Payments Program (APP) provides producers with a cash advance on the value of their agricultural products.
AgriAssurance Program supports industry and businesses to develop quality assurance systems to address market and regulatory requirements.
AgriCompetitiveness makes investments to help farmers and producers adapt to market changes.
Agri-Food Trade Service provides centralized access to market information, trade counselling and export support activities.
AgriMarketing helps grow Canadian products in international markets by supporting industry- and business-led promotional activities.
Agri-Invest helps farming businesses manage small income declines, and provides support for investments to mitigate risks or improve market income.
AgriStability provides payments when a farmer’s margin falls below 70% of an established reference margin.
BC Agrifood & Seafood Export Program provides cost-shared funding to increase export sales and expand international markets.
BC Buy Local Program provides marketing funding and support to help promote B.C. agrifoods products. Projects can include in-store promotions, social media or web campaigns, traditional advertising or other ideas.
Bioenterprise BC provides mentorship and business advisory services for agrifoods companies developing innovative products or processes.
Feeding Growth supports progressive, BC-based food brands and entrepreneurs through community engagement and education activities.
Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC distributes federal and provincial funds in support of innovative projects to benefit the agri-food industry in B.C. Past projects have ranged from conducting research on blueberry diseases, nursery marketing, agritourism and local agricultural planning.
Mitacs builds research partnerships with universities to help solve business and industry challenges. Matching funding is available.
On-Farm Food Safety & Traceability Program offers cost shared funding for food safety traceability assessments, training and implementation of food safety practices.
Post-Farm Food Safety & Traceability Program provides cost-shared funding up to $35,000 to eligible B.C. food and beverage manufacturing facilities to improve their food safety and traceability practices.
Richmond Farm Incubator includes six acres of land granted by the City of Richmond to be used by Kwlantlen’s Richmond Farm School graduates as incubator farm sites for their own start-up agricultural businesses.
Agrifood Business Management provides resources for B.C. farmers to start a new farm, to expand existing farm business, and to learn and implement best practices for agricultural business growth.
Statistics Canada Farm and Farm Operator Data provides accessible farm data in a dynamic web-based product that allows everyone to build customized tables to suit their needs and interests.
Young Agrarians – online business tools for farmers in the areas of finances, marketing, operations, business planning , production & operations.
Use our Funding Portal to search a database of all grants, loans and financing available to agrifoods companies.